
NCVC Announces Investment Opportunities in Firewood Recycling, Plant Management

The National Center for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating Desertification (NCVC) has announced new investment opportunities aimed at recycling reclaimed firewood from logging violations and repurposing invasive plant species into alternative economic products.

Forest residues as bioresources in circular bioeconomy - VCG

According to a press release, these initiatives seek to foster public-private collaboration in addressing environmental challenges, generate economic value from reclaimed wood and invasive plants, and promote innovative solutions that support both sustainability and economic growth.

The initiative also contributes to the long-term preservation of forests, rangelands, and ecosystems while creating job opportunities through the use of invasive plant wood in various industries.

Adding value to waste | The ForestLink

NCVC invites associations, companies, and government entities specializing in recycling, craftsmanship, manufacturing, organic products, construction, and transformative industries to apply via its official website. Applications are open until mid-February. Investors must comply with environmental regulations and executive bylaws on logging violations, which strictly prohibit the direct use or resale of firewood as fuel.

Adding value to waste | The ForestLink

“As part of its commitment to sustainable development, NCVC continues to provide both long-term and seasonal investment opportunities to expand vegetation cover, support afforestation projects, conserve natural resources, and enhance quality of life,” the statement added. These efforts align with the Saudi Green Initiative and Vision 2030, contributing to national economic growth and job creation.

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