Saudi Education Ministry sets attendance rules for new academic year
Saudi Education Ministry announced, “The issuance of the supreme directive approving the return mechanisms for the 2022 academic year, which reflects the leadership’s concern for the health of its students.
The ministry said in its statement that in the interest of students’ safety; The work was approved according to the following arrangements:
First: Concerning university education, the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training, and general education for age groups (12) years and over; It is required to obtain two doses of the vaccine for the attendance of students and faculty members and to complete this before Sunday 22/8/ 2021 AD.
Second: The Ministry of Health registers appointments to take the vaccine automatically for male and female students who have not received the vaccine, who are (12) years old and over.
Third: Concerning public education for the age group less than (12) years old; Teachers are required to have two doses of the vaccine to attend educational facilities,
The attendance study dates back to the date of reaching coverage with two doses of the vaccine to (70%) of the population, or the date of October 30, 2021 AD, whichever comes first.
Fourth: The Public Health Authority informs the Ministry of Education and Universities, of what it sees as the precautionary measures and health protocols for the return of the attendance study to be applied within a period not exceeding (a week).
The Saudi Education Ministry will follow up with all concerned authorities; for the speedy implementation of what was decreed by the honorable directive,
The Saudi Education Ministry will also circulate to all education departments the necessary arrangements for this.