Technology Race Among Countries to Protect the Researches
Data is everything in our world today. It keeps the pioneers in the front line all the time. The race between countries now is about discovering the right cure for coronavirus. Scientists around the globe are conducting their studies, and they are struggling to find answers to this pandemic.
According to Bill Evanina, the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center in the US, he explained the role of technology in protecting the scientific researches. Since today’s world is a technology-based, it became essential to develop a cyber protection program. It works as a protective wall that prevents any non-legal actions, especially in a time of crisis.
Countries are using the strategy of OWS or Operation Warp Speed. It is based on securing the citizens as the priority, and then enable the people of other countries to get the benefit. Evanina stated: “In today’s world, there is nothing more valuable or worth stealing than any kind of biomedical research that is going to help with a coronavirus vaccine.”