The Blueprint Series, Health and Fitness
In the previous article named “Blueprint for The Journey of Your Life”. the article has mentioned the 12 categories. This article will discuss the first category, which is health and fitness. It comes as the first category because it is an essential side in all dimensional categories.
Health is the first pillar. It is the base of any human life and has a dramatic effect on daily routines. For instance, the pandemic of COVID-19 is a real-life example that explains why health is essential. Health is the fuel to be productive, creative, and effective.
To draw the first category in health and fitness, ask your self the most straightforward question, “How do you see your health after 10-15 years from now?”. The answer to this question should form your vision, so you set the north star of your health by that.
To increase the motivation, ask yourself, “why?” and from there, you will find the hidden emotions and reasons. Motivation is what gets you started, and every time you lose the passion for tracking your health goals, just remind yourself of the reasons to keep the motivation going.
Then move to the mission where you assign you break-down your vision into pieces. This way will make it easy for you to simplify the process of your journey. After that, draw your strategies and tactics, yet keep in mind to make it simple and easy. A few steps every day is better than huge jumps every once and a while.
Lastly, track yourself and revaluate your performance every time. This reevaluation can be weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Put your standards and follow your plan.