Global Currencies vs. Saudi Riyal: Saturday’s Exchange Rates
Global currencies’ exchange rate does vary from time to time due to various economic indicators. Saudi riyal (SAR) is not an exception to these indicators.
SAR’s monetary authorities pegged the Gulf nation’s currency to the US dollar at a constant exchange rate
Additionally, SAR has been the official currency of KSA since the Gulf nation was first established.
Saudi Riyal Banknotes
SAR banknotes are: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 riyals.
Currency exchange rate is the value of one country’s currency with respect to other currency or the rate at which a person can exchange the currency for another.
Hence, it is important for regular travelers outside/inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or visitors/tourists or pilgrims to compare the currency exchange rate in the Kingdom with other major currencies.
Hence, the comparison will help the public to make wise decisions when they want to buy or sell SAR.
Below is a compiled list of all major currencies compared with the current currency exchange rate in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Currency | One pound to Saudi riyal |
US Dollar | 3.7500 |
Pound Sterling GBP |
Euro |
Chinese Yuan |
Canadian Dollar |
Emirati Dirham |
Egyptian Pound | 0.0758 |
Baharaini Dinar |
Kuwaiti Dinar | 12.1931 |
Omani Riyal | 9.7415 |
Jordanian Dinar | 5.2850 |
Qatari Riyal |
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