Trump is optimistic about the Oxford vaccine
By: Marwa Mahmoud
US President Donald Trump has tweeted about a British report showing optimism that the Oxford University vaccine could succeed in fighting Corona.
It seems that the Oxford vaccine is rushing to the end line of the international race for hope, and it may be the first rank for its share, provided that it proves successful in the third and final stage on the 27th of this month.
Scientific information from Oxford University has concluded that the vaccine has succeeded in generating antibodies that resist corona, as well as what are known as T-Cells.
Optimism about the vaccine is great, not only by the British government, but also by its competitor in the vaccine race, the United States, whose president Trump has retweeted the article that talks about the Oxford vaccine and the signs of its success so far.
British university scientists have not only developed their vaccine against corona on the basis of antibody creation, but the vaccine has proven its ability in preliminary experiments to generate T-cells, which constitutes a major breakthrough in competition, according to the Daily Telegraph.
Good news not only for the resistance of corona, but to double the ability of vaccine recipients to develop their immunity against other deadly diseases and fight them.
The Oxford vaccine may be available on the market by the end of next September, provided that it proves its effectiveness in the third and final stage on the 27th of this month.
The stage requires making sure that there are no vaccine side effects on thousands of volunteers, according to AstraZeneca, which is working to produce the vaccine in cooperation with the British government.
Nevertheless, the company reached agreements to export about two billion doses to all parts of the world if the effectiveness of the vaccine is proven.