Jazan Municipality provides a mobile shop services license to support individuals
By declaring it on its official Twitter account, the Jazan Municipality has offered the service of providing a license for a mobile retail outlet or mobile cart for food and non-food activities.
The Baladi platform makes the service accessible to users, and the secretariat of the Jazan area subsequently revealed the service’s objectives.
Objectives of launching the mobile store service
It is reported that the mobile store service is provided through the Baladi platform, which provides the mobile store license
This service allows the practice of commercial activity in a safe and attractive environment that is easily accessible to visitors
As stated in SPA, the objectives of launching this service are as follows:
- Organizing the sales process in public places.
- Providing safety, security, and time savings for mobile car owners.
- Providing job opportunities for job seekers.
– Shed light on new investment opportunities in the business sector.
- facilitating licensing processes using the Baladi platform by utilizing digital services, through the website or the application on smart devices without the need to visit the Secretariat
- How to obtain a mobile store license
– Login to my platform.
– Choosing a licensing service for a mobile store.
– Verify that the license conditions are met.
– Choose one of the active sites in your area.
– Choose the number of license days.
- Choose the type of business activity.
Mobile Store Services
Mobile stores offer the following:
- Issuance of a sales outlet license in an authorized market.
- Issuance of a sales outlet license inside a park.
- Renewing a temporary license for a mobile store outlet.
- Amending a temporary license for a mobile store outlet.
- Cancellation of a temporary license for a mobile store outlet.
- Issuance of a mobile vehicle license.
- Amending a mobile vehicle license.
- Renewal of a mobile vehicle license.
- Cancellation of a mobile vehicle license.