Social Development Bank Launches “Masar 3500” Initiative Campaign
On October 23, the Social Development Bank launched a 20-day awareness campaign regarding the ” Masar 3500″ initiative.
This initiative is one of the bank’s efforts to support productive families and micro-enterprises.
Initiative Offerings
The “Masar 3500” initiative offers beneficiaries various services such as training, introduction to the basics of project identity development, individual and group guidance, along with technical and artistic support.
It aims to launch a comprehensive online store, introduce modern and innovative marketing techniques following global best practices to empower this segment.
Campaign Goals
The campaign aims to introduce the bank’s services in this field to a larger segment of productive families and freelancers, to benefit them administratively, marketing-wise, and logistically developing their businesses.
This provides a positive environment for expanding their enterprises and entering the labour market to contribute more to national economic growth, achieving one of the objectives of the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision of enhancing the contribution of productive families to the economy.
Other Initiatives
The bank has many other initiatives aimed at empowering productive families and freelancers, like training and capacity building such as the “Specialized Training Program” which has benefited more than 141,000 beneficiaries, alongside financial programs for productive families, and other bank services to support this segment in conducting, developing their businesses, and creating a strong economy.
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