“Morgan 17″exercise between the Saudi & Egyptian naval forces starts
The common bilateral naval exercise “Morgan 17” began today at King Faisal Naval Base in the Western Fleet by the Royal Saudi Naval Forces and the Egyptian Naval Forces.
Rear Admiral Yahya Al-Asiri, Commander of the Western Fleet, explained that the exercise aims to strengthen relations and cooperation, raise the level of combat readiness between the Royal Saudi Naval Forces and the Egyptian Navy, and unify operational concepts between the two sides to confront regional threats.
It also aims to exchange experiences in the methods of carrying out naval tasks, and it contributes to the development of unit crews on the tasks of naval wars and Special Forces to protect the safety of the seas and regional and international waterways to ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea.
The Saudi Foreign Minister stated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia collaborates and coordinates with Egypt on all issues.
This exercise is a continuation of a series of past joint exercises between the two nations, and it involves several maneuvers that improve maritime security measures in the region and unite the principles of Red Sea naval combat operations.