Egypt announces the largest archaeological discovery for 2020
On Saturday, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced the largest archaeological discovery for the year 2020, during a press conference in the Saqqara antiquities area, according to its official accounts on social media.
The new discovery includes 100 wooden coffins closed more than 2,500 years ago, 40 wooden statues of Ptah Sukara, the god of the Saqqara necropolis, two wooden statues of the most beautiful, in addition to a number of shabti statues and amulets, and 4 gilded cartoons, according to the statement issued by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, on its Facebook page.
On his Instagram account, Mustafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, shared a number of pictures of the coffins that were announced during the new archaeological discovery in the Saqqara antiquities area.
They are round 100 human sealed coffins, 40 impressive statues from 3 different shafts. Saqqara is filled with so many discoveries and this is only the beginning
The announcement of the largest archaeological discovery for 2020 comes after the recent discovery of 59 colored human coffins, containing well-preserved mummies of senior statesmen and priests from the 26th family, which was announced in a press conference early last October.
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities is set to announce this week what it claims to be Saqqara’s largest archaeological discovery.
The find was announced during a ministry press conference in October.
After hours of excavation, the Egyptian archaeological mission in the area unearthed a new group of wells containing over 50 colored coffins that have been closed for more than 2,500 years.
The coffins were rumored to contain the mummies of senior statesmen and priests from the 26th Dynasty.
Additionally, a number of of golden and wooden statues and masks were found in the wells, the ministry added.
According to officials, even more coffins were found after the initial announcement in October.
While numerous discoveries from this site have been announced over the years, this uncovering contains the largest number of coffins in one burial site since the discovery of the Asassif necropolis in Luxor.
Egypt unveils 59 archaeological coffins dating back 2,600 years in the Saqqara region
According to the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities statement, Saqqara is an area full of secrets revealed from time to time, and “this discovery is not the end.”
Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced the discovery of at least 100 ancient coffins and 40 gilded statues of Saqqara goddess Ptah Soker in Egypt’s Saqqara Necropolis.
The discovery was displayed during a makeshift exhibit at the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, where they also carried out X‐raying to show the structures of the ancient mummy and how it was preserved.
100 sealed wooden coffins more than 2500 years old, 40 wooden statues, a number of ushabti statuettes, amulets, 4 Golden funerary masks made cartonnage; is part of Saqqara big discovery.
Saqqara still holds many secrets yet to be unveiled.
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Khaled El Enany said that this will not be the last discovery in Saqqara, and that more will follow.
“It is a great discovery in 2020, but this will not be the last one. We have discovered only one per cent of the antiquities buried in the Saqqara Necropolis,” he noted.
The coffins will distributed among the Cairo Museum in Tahrir, the Grand Egyptian Museum, and the National Museum of Egyptian civilization.
In September, another discovery in Saqqara necropolis southwest of Cairo has yielded 14 intact and sealed sarcophagi estimated to be 2,500 years old.
The sarcophagi, or ornate coffins, are made of wood and still retain some of their original color.
The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has published a series of videos teasing at footage of the discoveries, in the most recent of which Minister Khaled El-Enany declares that this is only the beginning. In a video published earlier this month, Waziri and world-renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass show a few shots of the colourful, newly unearthed discoveries.