Arts & Culture

Al-Ahsa Falconry Festival to Start Next Week

Al-Ahsa Falconry Festival

The organizing committee of the Al-Ahsa Falconry Festival announced the starting date of the festival, from the 17th to the 20th of February. The festival will be held at the Al-Arba Mountain site. This was announced during a press conference held at the Al-Ahsa Chamber.


Al-Mousa’s Comments about Al-Ahsa Falconry Festival

Abdulaziz bin Fahd Al-Mousa, the chairman of the festival’s organizing committee, highlighted that the inaugural Al-Ahsa Falcon Festival celebrates falconry culture. He said that the festival supports its historical heritage, and showcases it globally from KSA.

Additionally, he praised Prince Saud bin Talal bin Badr, Governor of Al-Ahsa, for supporting this ancient Saudi and human heritage.


Al-Ahsa Falconry Festival Aims

Al-Mousa said that this edition of the Falcon Festival in Al-Ahsa aims to:

  • Elevate the hobby of falconry
  • Develop and sustain this authentic hobby
  • Revive the ancient heritage and preserve it
  • Preserve the environment and protect wildlife
  • Make the falconry sector in the province a heritage tourist destination
  • Support the historical journey and enhance national identity
  • Contribute to improving the quality of life, which is a national duty and societal commitment that drives cultural development and
  • Introduce this ancient Saudi heritage, support workspaces and investment in cultural, sports, heritage, and tourism activities in Al-Ahsa
  • Open new horizons for quality-of-life sectors
  • Contribute to job creation and diversifying economic activity

Furthermore, he explained that the festival came to emphasize the status of Al-Ahsa and its history in the craft and sport of falconry.

The festival highlights the roots of Arab hospitality, desert trips, poetry, and authentic folk traditions, as he stated.

Additionally, he explained that this is done through the races and competitions included in the festival. He added that the educational activities spotlight falconry’s role in improving the environment and wildlife in KSA.

What Does Falcon Festival Include?

The festival features various sections, including a cultural exhibition named “The Falcon’s Story” sponsored by Al-Dhahran Private Schools.

Interestingly, high school students research falcons, studying their biology, human interaction, and hunting roles. They then present their findings to exhibition visitors.


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