Politics & News

A Saudi woman opens the first women’s restaurant in the Kingdom

A Saudi citizen named Thuraya Al-Shammari opened the first Saudi restaurant for women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the entrance of which is restricted to women only.

According to Al Arabiya Network, Al-Shammari and her sister opened their first restaurant in the city of Rafha, and its visitors are restricted to women only, not to men, so that they can sit comfortably with their children.

In statements transmitted by the Arab Network to the Saudi woman, Al-Shammari said, “Her love for cooking and the kitchen is the main reason for overcoming some of the difficulties she faced in the first stage, indicating that working in the restaurant is limited to her accompanied by her sister Fawzia only, without the presence of any workers.

“We are interested in presenting food in a beautiful and attractive way, and we offer different foods”.

‘ “we have been keen to choose a distinctive decor for the restaurant that is suitable for everyone,” Al-Shammari added.

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