Arts & Culture

Saudi visual artist translates femininity in original paintings

Saudi plastic artist Mona Shabib Al-Subaie, a member of the Culture and Arts Association in Taif, began her relationship with art at an early age while refining her talent through art courses and workshops.

“I focused on enriching the art scene with attractive country data that reflects the hustle and bustle of contemporary life with visual tools,” Al-Subaie told Al-Arabiya.

She said she considers the woman figure a bouquet of flowers and a shaded tree, the female figure is a symbol of passion and tenderness, pulse and joy of life, optimism, and cheerful colours. Nostalgia is also a present feature in her work.

Al-Subaie continued: “I focused on comprehensive plastic art from its classical angle, drawing camels, old houses, horses, and horsemanship. Also on the authenticity of the past in the spirit of the glorious present.”

When thinking about the future, the artist has no doubts: “I seek to be an ambassador for my country and a Saudi artistic footprint. This is my dream that tempts me, and I will support the Ministry of Culture, the parties concerned with art and heritage. Dreams, no matter how high, become reality through hard work and sincere determination to achieve them”.

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