Arts & Culture

A Creative Saudi artist draws faces in his own style

He explained that his paintings are visible in the eye of the connoisseur, because he presented a different way of drawing and not duplicating the works of other artists.

Multiple loud colors, abstract faces that embody in her ideas the meanings of happiness, and in a unique artistic style, a Saudi artist made a wide global imprint in the field of plastic art, in a message far from the meanings of depression and sadness.

The Saudi plastic artist, Abdul Aziz Al Abdul Aziz, began drawing at an early age, and the beginning was in the field of photography and graphic design, and in multiple stages, after a long journey of experiments, until he settled into his plastic art and participated in many specialized exhibitions, through his own style In drawing faces and figures.

He says: “My hobby in photography constituted a shift in my artistic world. When I studied in America, I practiced photography and dealt with well-known” models “. This taught me professionalism, professionalism and commitment, and if we want to monitor the impact of photography artistically, the field here is not enough to count all the effects, but In general, photography taught me how to deal with light and shadow, and it taught me to reflect through my shots the aesthetics of the subjects that I photograph, and to stay away from dealing with depression and sadness, so my message is to present beauty in its brightest form.

Abdul Aziz Al Abdul Aziz added: “I was keen to take the important and the beautiful from every art school, to produce an art that represents my personality distinctively, at the same time my paintings take an abstract character to the characters’ drawings with their natural identity, so that they communicate messages to the recipient in my own way.”

He pointed out during his speech: “As a Saudi artist, I am keen in my paintings to highlight the Saudi culture and spread it to the world, through the ideas and identity of Saudi youth in my own style, and merging them with other cultures, to find great support from family, friends and society, and I received expressions of encouragement through social media platforms.”

He explained that his paintings are clear in the eyes of the connoisseur, because he presented a different way of drawing and not repeating the works of other artists, as he made his own line and basically lives forever and for future generations, and he did not participate in any competitions so as not to put himself in competition, so his goal is to develop himself and focus on distinguishing his works.

The Saudi plastic artist added: “A person must challenge himself by developing his message and artistic style, renewing oneself and avoiding repetition, to present new works that introduce the world to the creativity of the Saudi artist by inventing new ideas and getting out of the comfort zone, as I dream to represent my country in forums. Internationalism and I would be a model for Saudi youth, as the Saudi artist is different from the past time, and now he lives a vast cosmopolitan world, amidst opportunities for learning and creativity without limits, as all the doors to success, culture and knowledge are ready for the Saudi artist.

He concluded his speech: “The colors formed me as a human being, and gave me an aesthetic perspective of life, and made me follow the most accurate details of the artistic event, so I do not let it pass me by without focusing on something, until it makes me feel differently, in addition to my eyes always taking me to those neglected parts, To make me contemplate the mysteries of colors.”

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