Arts & Culture

Saudi Arabia: Kites to Bid Farewell to Travelers from Jeddah Airport

King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah has developed an innovative way to bid farewell to travelers after their journey to perform the Hajj rituals.

Passengers can start by enjoying world-class artworks carefully distributed in Hall No. 1, such as “kites”.

King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah indicated, through its Twitter account, that the passage leading to the departure hall in Terminal 1 was chosen as a location for “kites,” and added to its glory by its proximity to the lush airport garden, which is separated only by a transparent glass barrier.

This artwork consists of nearly 190 small kites, executed by Saudi artist Muhammad Al-Shammari, trying to reflect the memories that each visitor carries in his imagination of the holy places upon leaving the Kingdom.

The idea of ​​the work is based on writing the most important religious sites and vocabulary that millions of pilgrims and umrah performers keep in their memory during the return journey from performing the rituals.

This innovative work of the farewell method gives millions of visitors and residents traveling through the airport an opportunity to taste and enjoy art, according to the airport’s Twitter account.

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