Politics & News

Arab Parliament endorses a strategy against Turkey and Iran

The Arab Parliament’s approval of a unified Arab strategy against both Turkey and Iran sparked an interaction among activists on social media, highlighting a trend named “Arabs unite against Turkey”.

The strategy approved by Parliament on Wednesday was divided into two parts (one for Turkey and one for Iran) that included three axes: the first axis is including constants and objectives, the second axis is   consisting of sources of threat, confronting them, and measures to stop them, and the third axis is having the foundations and mechanisms .we will show you below the two parts of strategy according to what came on the Official site of Parliament:

The strategy identified challenges and sources of threat in dealing with the Turkish regime, including: the expansionist ambitions of the Turkish Republic in the Arab region, direct Turkish military intervention in Syria and Libya, the continued violation of Iraqi sovereignty, the formation and support of militias and armed groups, providing them with advanced weapons in Syria and Libya, and the transfer of terrorists and mercenaries to Libya.

All the above nourishes the armed conflict, prolongs it and threatens the interests of neighboring Arab countries.

 Also supporting individuals, groups, media platforms and satellite channels is aiming to create chaos and instability in a number of Arab countries.

 Furthermore controlling sources, pathways and water sources that feed Syria and Iraq, endangers their water security for risks.

The strategy included measures to stop the Turkish regime’s interference in Arab affairs, the most important of which are: asking the United Nations to withdraw Turkish forces from Syria, Libya and Iraq.

Also preparing a memorandum by the League of Arab States and submitting it to the UN Security Council regarding hostile policies of the Turkish regime, its expansionary ambitions, and its interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries, and its violation For UN Security Council resolutions regarding the arms embargo to Libya, supporting militias and armed groups, violating the sovereignty of Arab states.

Among the violations mentioned harboring people classified in terrorist lists in their countries, supporting their media platforms.

Also Turkey’s attempt to control the water resources of the Arab world and building of dams on it, which threatens the water security of Syria and Iraq, was included.

The unified Arab strategy for dealing with Turkey aims to: obligate the Turkish system to principles of good neighborliness and respect of Arab states sovereignty and legitimate systems in them, also to stop all its interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries.


The strategy identified the sources of threat by the Iranian regime, including: the Iranian regime’s project to export the revolution to the Arab world that threatens the security and stability of the Arab countries, occupying the three Emirati islands, stirring strife and sectarianism, sponsoring terrorism, supporting terrorist groups, and creating and supporting militias within Arab countries.  

Other ways of Iranian threat are providing militias with weapons Supporting and arming the Houthi revolutionary militia in Yemen and supplying it with smart weapons, ballistic missiles and planes leading to aggression against the geographical neighboring countries.

In addition to the terrorist attacks that affected oil installations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Iranian regime’s violation of regional safety and the threat of maritime navigation and global trade routes in the Arab region.

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