Saudi Central Bank opens applications for the Saudi Economists Program 19
The Saudi Central Bank announced the opening of applications for the Saudi Economics Program, batch (19) for both sexes.
The Central Bank clarified that the registration period started on Sunday 08/01/2021 AD and will end on Saturday 08/28/2021 AD. It stipulated that the applicant for the program must be a Saudi national, and have a master’s degree in economics or a bachelor’s degree from a Saudi university, or internationally accredited with a grade of very good or above or its equivalent, in one of the following disciplines: (economics, business administration, sub-specialty finance, accounting, management information systems, operations research, mathematics, statistics, quantitative methods, engineering, computer, physics, finance and investment).
Also, the Saudi Central Bank said that in case the degree was issued from outside Saudi Arabia it will need to receive an equivalency from the Ministry of Education and that the result of the English language test should not exceed two years prior to the date of applying to the program, according to the following:
The program’s requirements were also determined that the applicant’s age should not exceed (27) years for a bachelor’s holder and (30) years for a master’s holder, pass assessments and behavioral and technical interviews, and complete the qualifying program held by the Central Bank during the first year of the employment contract. The Saudi Central Bank indicated that those accepted into the program will be granted many advantages, noting in this regard that the application to join the program is made through the employment portal of the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia.