Arts & Culture

Islamic University in Medina Launches Cultures, Peoples Festival

The activities of the “Festival of Cultures and Peoples” in its twelfth edition will begin today at the headquarters of the Islamic University in Medina, with the participation of more than 170 nationalities of university students speaking in more than 50 languages.

The festival is a unique cultural phenomenon organized annually by the university on Cultures Street, and enjoys wide participation from university students of various nationalities.

During the festival, the participating nationalities present the most prominent cultures, heritage, fashions and traditions of their countries. The presentations for each country taking part in the event will be displayed at designated corners of the festival .

The forum also provides an opportunity to learn about different countries and peoples’ cultures under one roof. It also seeks to strengthen the language of dialogue, develop the spirit of coexistence and acquaintance, spread peace and love among different peoples and cultures. Furthermore, it aims to develop the principles of teamwork among participants in highlighting their cultures.

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